Thursday, September 07, 2006

oh! ummm... hello

today i ate breakfast for the second day in a row. i've been told it's important to eat breakfast because it will provide the extra energy necessary for things like yoga. and hammering stuff.

so anyway, that's it. i'm eating breakfast these days.

i also realized tonight that i've accidentally become part of a secret club without even knowing it. since i started shaving my head, other people who shave their heads seem to talk to me a lot more. people who normally would never have talked to me before. but we seem to have this special kinship. or at least they do. i'm still kind of weirded out by the whole thing.

for example, tonight i stop for gas and go inside to pay. the cashier is this punk rock kind of guy with a shaved head and he's all "hey man. how's it going?" and i'm like "i had $3,000 worth of your overpriced gas," hand him his money and turn to leave, and he goes, "excellent. take it easy man." so i say "okey dokey then." then i came home and washed my truck.


Mycaelus said...

You shaved your head? I've done that before, but nobody talked to me.

And I don't eat breakfast. I have problems when I do. So I don't.

Thérèse said...

Eating breakfast is good for you. Important. Importantly good for you.

And so is yoga.

I would know.

kara said...

I'm eating breakfast right now. Special K with red berries. 'Cause I'm all about the health.

Why do so many of your stories surround your buying gasoline? Are you a huffer? Or maybe drive a hummer?

d said...

m - yes, i shave my head.

t - how do you really know though?

k2 - two gasoline stories constitutes "many"? where does the question mark go in this case? it always seems weird to me to put the punctuation inside a non-spoken quote. anyway, i'm not a huffer. i drive a hummer.

d said...

that's two women who have made reference to killing me on my blog. this is creating a very unsettling and uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

Mycaelus said...

Is it indigestion? I get that sometimes, too.

kara said...

If you drive a hummer you deserve a stomach ache.

Worrying about hippies has made me testy. I don't know who I am anymore.

Thérèse said...

You asked a question, I gave an answer.

Many answers are unsettling.

Especially when they involve yoga.