Friday, September 01, 2006

i sure hope you're all slow readers, because...

... i'm not going to be posting for a while so you've got to make the last couple of posts i made today last. i know how you've all grown to love my blog and look forward to visiting me every day. sometimes multiple times just in case i decide to grace you all with a morsel of my brilliance. and some of you even find the nerve to post. i like you the best.

but k2 has just won the blog of the day award and i'm extremely jealous. so jealous, i can't post. actually, that's not true. i'm leaving town for the long weekend. and then i'm leaving town again on tuesday for work. so maybe wednesday night i'll write something if i feel like it and if i have time after playing tennis and doing other, more important things. because let's face it. i have a life. don't get me wrong, you're all important to me. well, some of you are. at least one of you. anyway, that's not important. what i'm trying to say is, i deserved to win the blog of the day award and you know it!

what i'm also trying to say is that i need some time away. or just that i'm going away for a while whether i need to or not. a few days. that's it. it might seem like weeks or even months. i wish i could console you or buy you chocolate, but i don't know any of your real names or addresses (except t's). and that's the way i like it. because otherwise, i'd have to come good for these offers to buy everyone candy and stuff.

but feel free to amuse yourselves by leaving all kinds of comments. they don't even have to be about me. actually, yes they do. sorry, but it's a rule. and they should also be funny or full of praise. that's also a rule. i should list these rules, but i don't have time. i'm leaving town, remember? bye.


Anonymous said...

Postsecret won the blog of the day awards once but I don't think anyone was ever able to tell them about it. They never picked up the award.

K2 did not make this up. She was the clear winner today.

I guess I better comment about you, so this will be posted.

You are a gentleman and a scalar.

(magnitude but no direction)

kara said...

Are you implying that I DON'T have a life? That I'm NOT busy? I'll have you know...the brilliant blogging only goes on whilst I'm at work. And now I'm going to have to kill you so I don't get fired.

PS: Maybe I'm jealous that you get to go away...and I'm stuck in Portland for the ever think of THAT? Selfish punctuation-hating boy.

Mycaelus said...

Well, that's just wonderful. No sooner than I discover this magnificent blog than you go away and leave me with nothing. I'm very disappointed.

But have a nice vacation! Or.. work trip.. or whatever.

The Dog of Freetown said...

I use my real name actually sonny Jim. Anyway, have a good break. I'm sure it will do you the world of good.

d said...

fq - why are you telling me about postsecret? i'm not postsecret. or are you trying to tell me that maybe i won the blog of the day award once and didn't even know it because i couldn't be reached? why couldn't i be reached? i've been here! well, except for over the weekend. oh... and thanks for following the rules. complimentary and funny.

k2 - i wasn't implying anything about your life. i was simply stating that i have one, which is exciting, because it's been a while since i have. not everything's about you, you know. geez... win the blog of the day award and suddenly you become the centre of the universe.

m - you kind of followed the rules. and i like that. but what's with the disappointment? i said i was coming back. and, since i've received close to 200 emails over the weekend from my blog fans, i've decided to cancel my trip to newfoundland tonight. so maybe i'll post something new. if i feel like it. and thank you. i had an absolutely fantastic weekend. i'm sorry it had to end.

k !!!!! - welcome back.

d said...

oh yeah... when i said "my blog fans" i meant "spammers"

Mycaelus said...

Can I be a spammer?

Oh, wait. I should ask if I could be a blog fan, yes?

And a fan of your blog, too. Not someone else's. Just so you know.

d said...

m - sure. what the hell.

Anonymous said...

d, Don't worry. Spam we can deal with. However, I'm a little worried about the lottery clause in your allowing of non-bloggers ... I'll do my best, but that's all I can do. How many numbers??