Sunday, September 24, 2006


dear the girl who ate my chocolate that time,

you remember, right? the time t bought me chocolate and accidentally forgot it at your house but instead of sending it to me, you decided to eat it and share it with your boyfriend. anyway, i just wanted to say that i hope you enjoyed it.

ok. that's not all i wanted to say. i also wanted to say that i forgive you for eating my chocolate. i know you feel guilty about it and i don't want you to anymore. how do i know you feel guilty? one simple reason. every time i go to toronto to collect my chocolate, you leave town. i'm going to toronto on monday and, surprise, surprise... you've left town again.

so you don't have to leave town anymore. i forgive you. it was chocolate afterall. very difficult to resist. even if it's not yours. which it wasn't.

gee i'm good at forgiving people.


1 comment:

Thérèse said...

She sent it to you after all, you know.

I have the chocolate in my possession, at the moment. AS I TYPE.

I don't know if it will last much longer though.

You know me and chocolate.

And you know me and patience.

And you know me and restraint.
