Tuesday, August 15, 2006

managing expectations

for some reason, i just noticed at the top right side of my outlook window, there's a box that says "need help? type a question." so i did. i wrote "where are all of my socks going?" (they seem to be disappearing on me lately) and here's the help microsoft decided to provide:

> searching for items (oh my! i never thought of looking for them. idiots.)

> using folders (ok mom. but what the hell does folding have to do with finding lost socks?)

> stop the spam (i'm confused now. are we talking about the meat or the email? and again, what's the relevancy?)

> customizing views (ohhhh... i get it. if i visualize the socks being there, maybe they will be. stupid philosophy.)

> creating notes (a little late for that. but a good idea for the future. i'll leave myself notes of where, and how many socks i've taken.)

> check spelling (tori spelling? does she have my socks? what the screw?)

and on and on. why offer help if you're not going to provide it? i'm just saying. thanks again for nothing microsoft. here... let me pay you thousands of more dollars for your useless software.


kara said...

does it scare you? the amount of time on your hands, i mean.

d said...

no. time doesn't frighten me.

kara said...

Our soccer team is playing Montreal next week. Now that I know where Montreal is and what it's filled with...do you think I'd be out of line if I solicited sex from any of the hot players?

d said...

no, i don't think you'd be out of line. i say go for it. they're very liberal. actually, don't tell them that. they hate the word liberal. but they are. so you should definitely solicit the sex.

Thérèse said...

Amazingly, this post prompted a conversation that ended in sex.

d said...

t - all good posts end in sex. or conversations about sex. soooo, clearly this is my first good post. was it good for you?