Saturday, August 12, 2006

i can't help it

i think the cashier at the gas station hit on me when i was there a few minutes ago. she purposely didn't blow her cigarette smoke in my face AND not only that, but she frantically tried to fan it away from me. then, she said "sorry. i didn't want to blow my smoke in your face."

and i say "i appreciate that." (yeah, i know... i'm smooth.)

and then she starts asking me about my SUV and telling me how much she liked it.

so then i say "ok then. umm... i'm gonna go now. i just wanted some gas. you're very pretty and everything, but your smoking habit is disgusting. so you know, we won't be having the sex."

ok. i didn't say that. but geez... she was all over me with her words. and then again, i guess i was asking for it... being all polite and stuff.


CamoBunny said...

hey, a profile pic. you know, that's exactly what i thought you'd look like.

i like your suv too. does that mean i'm into you?

and— hee hee. "the sex" sounds funnier when a guy says it.

d said...

cb - i don't know. if you smoked, would you blow it in my face or would you frantically try to fan it away from me due to your concern for my health? if you would fan it, then i'm afraid there's a pretty good chance you're into me too. but what do i know about women?

CamoBunny said...

hmm. that's a tough one.

i think that if i smoked, i wouldn't be concerned for your health, but i'd be concerned that if i blew it in your face you wouldn't tip me well.

but i don't smoke (filthy, nasty, habit for the weak-willed) so whatever that means.

and by tip, i mean tip.

d said...

cb - it's a confusing system. i know. but i'd say that you aren't into me based on your answers... which is a shame, because i'm a really great guy. i mean, look at how polite i was to that girl.

CamoBunny said...

yes, i thought the way you informed her that you wouldn't be having the sex was very polite indeed.

but i think it's hot when furniture gets thrown around, even if it is just for a spider. does that count for anything? i'm so confused.

d said...

yeah... that is confusing. this is unprecedented. and i have no manual to refer to. (i lost it when i moved - along with a cutting board and a cooking stone... three of the most important things i owned)

Doc Moxie said...

he sends chocolate cake on your birthday and he considers his cooking stone one of the most important things he's owned...

ladies, explain to me again why we aren't crawling all over him like spiders on his sofa?

d said...

yeah ladies. explain it to me too.

actually, don't. i'd prefer to think of my own reasons.