Tuesday, July 04, 2006

update: life changing decision

step one complete. three more to go.

i feel a little sick to my stomach. but also have a feeling i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight because i'm so excited about this.


CamoBunny said...

kieran was right. it does sound like you're getting a sex change.

d said...

it may sound that way. but it's wrong. i can't stress that enough.

it's not a sex change. it's not even cross dressing. but i do enjoy the fact people are guessing.

Thérèse said...


I know what it is!

You've won the lotto, are quitting your job, and are holding out on me!!!!

I'm devastated. And will never forgive you.

d said...

t - i'd tell you if i won the lottery. i may not come right out and say it... but when the 500 pairs of shoes showed up at your door, you'd probably have a pretty good idea.

CamoBunny said...

oh t! if d won the lottery he'd buy you shoes! 500 pairs of shoes! he's, like, so TOTALLY the guy for you!

Thérèse said...

Well, I always said I'd marry rich. And by always I mean for weeks and weeks. You know.

d said...

so did i. just another reason i'm still single.