Monday, July 03, 2006

ok. they're gone.

i sort of feel bad that i wished my family away. but i'm loving the fact they're gone. well... not gone, just gone back to their homes a couple of hundred kilometres away.

i tried to make the best of today. i worked from 9am-3:30pm (canada day holiday in case you're wondering why I'm complaining) but didn't let it get me down. when i got home, i barbequed two of the best hamburgers ever. then i had a jumbo mr. freeze. then i went and shot the basketball by myself for about an hour. oh, and i mowed the lawn (after the jumbo mr. freeze and before the basketball).

i made a potentially life changing decision over the weekend. now i just have to wait for a couple of other pieces to fall into place and then i'll make it happen. a huge risk. but what the hell... i'm still young. and i'm thinking of taking a second major life-changing risk, but we'll see about that one. i wish i could be more specific, but, well, i'm mysterious. ooooooooooohhhh.

okey dokey then. i've grown bored with this post. why don't you say something interesting.


CamoBunny said...

because it's your blog, and therefore your responsibility to provide the interesting talk.

at least, that's how i feel on my blog sometimes. especially when no one else updates their blogs but they all continue to check mine multiple times a day. (no i am not talking about you.) why should i be the only one with worthwhile blog output for long periods of time?

ok i'll bite. what is a mr. freeze. you can see by the size of my question mark there my true level of curiosity. it's just that it sounds like a comic book villain. or like something that would give you a serious headache with a couple of gulps.

if i were a cartoon character i'd definitely be a villain. i'd be one of those villains who's misunderstood and turns out to have a heart of gold in the end. as evidenced by my lovely singing voice throughout the story.

d said...

technically, a mr. freeze is a freeze pop. like a combination between a popsicle and a slush. not as hard as a popsicle and not as soft as a slush. comes in numerous flavours. cherry, grape, orange, watermelon, cream soda, just to name a few.

if i were a cartoon character, i'd be the guy who always has a smart assed comment. because everyone likes a smart ass. or so i've been told.

CamoBunny said...

a**es? i've never been much for those. i suppose if i were, i'd like 'em smart. better smart-a** than dumb-a**. why, are you an a** man? is that an inappropriate question?

if i got to choose to be cartoon character i'd be as above. if i actually were a cartoon character though, i'd be buttercup from the powerpuff girls. we even look alike. we frown/grimace/scowl a lot, and we like putting the smack down.

oooo cream soda.

The Dog of Freetown said...

Sex change? You're going to become a hatter? You're going to be the next England manager? You're going to give up eating foods which have been looked at by animals? You're going to run the world's first aqua marathon? You're going to mow the lawn TWICE in one week?

d said...

cb - by ass man, do you mean a proctologist? 'cause if so, then no... i'm not.

k - good guesses, but no. i did once consider becoming a crack whore, but that was only when everyone else was doing it and it was popular. what? you know you thought about it too.

speaking of crack whores... they're supposed to be tearing down the crack whore building across the street from my house today. so that's good news. i'll have to take pictures.

Thérèse said...

Life-changing risks are worth it, when they change your life for the better. And you know, even if they don't, making decisions about your life is better than just letting your life happen to you.

d said...

oh t... you're so wise. no wonder i tell everybody how great you are. and by everybody... basically anyone who reads this comment. but it's a start, right?

Thérèse said...

It is a start. At least, it would be if the person in question wasn't only me.
