Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i swear, i'm not on crack... cause they took the crack house away

it was here...

then it was gone....


The Dog of Freetown said...

Canada really is a beautiful place. Even the crack dens look like they're from some idealised version of, I dunno, America. Why is it that "crack-whore" is such a satisfying thing to say. Maybe it just reminds me of my childhood. I think I can see a crack whore lying down near the pavement, hiding. They're betrayed by their little orange hat.

d said...

i don't know but i definitely agree. i love saying "crack whore"...

crack whore! crack whore!

meh... you know what. not as fun as i remembered. still a great word though. or two words. or, is it a compound word like you have it? it's times like this when a dictionary would come in handy. though i doubt that "crack whore" is listed.

wow. i've said "crack whore" five times in this post. now that's good readin'