Sunday, December 04, 2005

one more thing...

if you wear a toupee, why not let your friends try it on for a while? Come on, we're not going to hurt it.


The Dog of Freetown said...

I bide my time and only speak in exceptional circumstances. Quite like God. I just wanted to say I've seen some of your comments on other blogs and they're good. Better then good in fact. I put this down to your underlying Canadianism.

Thérèse said...

Ooooh, you've got a fan, D!

And actually you couldn't ask for a better one. Kieran is clever in ways that can only be described as "ace" or "fantastic."

d said...

i appreciate your restraint in posting, k (that's right, i'm a one-letter-name-caller). too often do i find myself wasting precious time reading drivel that in no way compliments me. indeed, you are like God to me.

the thing about canadianism... it's unfortunate really. see, there's not much to do during the winter months in this gargantuan country (at least when you loathe the cold) so we're pretty much relegated to either blogging or having sex to keep busy. i've made my choice... my pathetic, foolish, unsatisfying choice.

but i'm glad someone's enjoying it.

d said...

clever fans are my favorite. and i can only guess i owe it all to you t.

so i guess this is where i should thank you... or something... right?

Thérèse said...

Yes. Give me candy. I mean ice cream. Homemade.

d said...

The deal was that you had to come to moncton for homemade ice cream. no delivery outside of town. candy, i can deliver.

Thérèse said...

FINE. I'll come to Moncton. Or you come to SJ and let me know when you're in town.

And send me candy.

Candy, yum.