Friday, December 09, 2005

asparagus and marmalade are fun words to say... go ahead, try 'em out for yourself

so i'm driving to work this morning and stop at the lights just before my office. it's typically a fairly long light and, since i'm easily distracted, i started looking around. as i glanced in my rear-view mirror, i see this truck pulling up behind me and the driver looked like he was having an attack of some sort. so i thought, hmmm.... this could be funny to watch - and i did.

turns out, he was just chewing gum. but he was chewing it so fast that it looked like he was having a seizure. like three or four chews per second and his head was bobbing and shaking as he chewed. i guess it just proves the point i outlined in the title of this post - someone's always watching so never, ever do anything stupid because you'll get caught and some idiot will write about it in their blog.

1 comment:

Thérèse said...

Ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha. Hee hee. Hoo. Ha.