Wednesday, December 07, 2005

the night the world turned against me

sometimes, things don't turn out quite as you'd planned. that happened to me thrice tonight. first, i planned to kick some major ass on the basketball court. that didn't happen. not only did we lose, we were handed our asses on our way off the court. second, i planned not to hurt myself. that, too, fell through. i seemed to have pulled my right calf muscle. but on the bright side, it only hurts when i stand up, walk or run....

finally, it turns out my brilliant laundry plan also took a wrong turn. i thought i had everything planned out, but i got home from basketball only to find myself down one pair of underpants. that's right, not only was the person doing laundry after me not bothered by my "forgotten" underwear... they actually took them. so i'm very creeped out.... and, i'm out a pair of under thingies. who steals underwear? more accurately, who steals men's underwear? starting tomorrow, i begin my search for a new apartment.... and maybe i'll put up a note in the laundry room asking for my underwear back - though, i don't think i want to know who took them.


Thérèse said...

See? Underwear thievery.

It happens more often than you think.

Thérèse said...

Hopefully you didn't leave your favourite lacy black pair.

d said...

no, it wasn't my favorite lacy black pair thankfully. i've heard of this happening to women before.... but i'm not a woman.

clearly i should have consulted with you before executing my plan. seems i'm not the evil genius i thought i was.

next time, i'm leaving my underwear in the dryer with a poisonous snake hidden underneath. if they can get the underwear without getting killed, then they deserve to add them to their growing creepy collection of strangers' underwear.