Monday, January 01, 2007

thank god that's over

ok. i'm back from 10 days of holiday cheer and wonderment. (sense the sarcasm people)

but let's not dwell on the past. 2007 is here. big things happening. we're moving to calgary. and by "we," i mean "me" -- i've been talking in the third person today. technically, "we" could also mean "me and t" because she's also moving to calgary, but in this instance i was solely talking about me.

we need a job. (again, just me. t has a job). so anyone who can hook us up with something would have our gratitude. and we know how to repay a favour.

what else do we need? oh! an apartment. hopefully we can take care of that ourselves. (this time, i'm talking about t and i). we're looking at a place near the trendy (but potentially whorish) red mile only a few blocks away from the stampede grounds. if only the bitch who manages the place would get back to us. maybe she's too busy turning tricks to check her email and voicemail.

we don't have any resolutions. we're already mostly perfect. and we don't hold any grudges against those who aren't as perfect as us.

we need a new cell phone. we're ready to put ours in a blender and then laugh maniacally as it gets ripped apart, piece by piece. SCREW YOU nokia. and screw you too motorola. though we think we're going to give motorola another chance.

gotta go finish our laundry. we're all out of clean clothes and we have to work tomorrow.


Thérèse said...

Are we done talking in the third person then? I was hoping we wouldn't get too attached to that idea.

Somehow when I say "we" meaning you, it makes it sound like I'm talking to a little kid.

Hee hee hee.

Anonymous said...

I need someone to send me lots of packages filled with their money. Could you do that? I could pay you.

Anonymous said...

"trendy (but potentially whorish) red mile"

- sounds like my neighborhood. Maybe there's a Calgary here too. There's a Rome here. For serious. Rome, Oregon. I KNOW!

And there's never anything bad about using the royal "we". Nor is there anything wrong with wearing a tiara while doing so.

d said...

t - we are done.

k - how much will you pay me? i might be interested in doing that.

k2 - thank you for your support. are you feeling better? i hope so.

t - i don't mean "you and i" are done. just that i'm done speaking in the 3rd person. you and i are still golden. or at least i hope we are.