so only two and a half days before i head to calgary. i'm wickedly excited. for a number of reasons. but i don't feel as though i have to explain myself to you.
t is already there. like a seasoned general (or a pussy), i sent her there first to make sure it was safe and to familiarize herself with the surroundings ahead of my arrival. i kid, i kid. she started her new job on monday (which she loves, btw for those who care) and... well... i don't have a job there yet and needed to give ample notice to my job here. luckily, i'm important enough that my boss won't just let me leave. he wants me to work remotely from calgary until at least march. so i have guaranteed income until then. so by the time i need to start turning tricks to support my crack habit, the weather will be starting to warm up.
reason #12: chinooks - self explanatory if you know what a chinook is.
so yeah... this might be my last post from atlantic canada. am i upset about that? hell no! screw you new brunswick!!
once i get there and my stuff shows up, i'll be posting again. and expect a post about superman.
I know what Chinook salmon is. Is that what you're talking about? But that comes from here, so probably not. I refuse to believe OUR salmon makes the trek all the way to Canada so that they can be called Chinook there too. That would be downright unpatriotic. And isn't Calgary land locked? So they'd have to rent a car. Seems eve more unlikely now. So the short answer to this I don't know what chinooks are. Why don't you tell me?
k2 - a chinook is a weather phenomenon where warm air coming over the rocky mountains rapidly... meh... i'm no meteorologist. basically it's really warm and dry air that moves in from the west in the winter over the rocky mountains into alberta. the temperature could be -10 degrees one day and then a chinook blows in and the temperature rises to almost summer-like conditions, melts and evaporates the snow.
k - thank you. you were my inspiration.
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