Wednesday, February 28, 2007

it's ok... i'm still alive.

so i spent most of last week trying not to die. so far, it seems as though i've been successful. it's the sickest i think i've ever been. i'm still sick, but unless the germs are just messing with me, i think i've got them right where i want them now.

can you believe t and i have been together for six months? who would have thought it would last this long? i'll tell you who. she did (t). wanna know who didn't think it would last this long? actually, i'd rather not mention her name.

six months. and how did we celebrate? well, t left the province. we celebrate a lot of things that way. st. valentine's day - i skipped town. that reminds me... easter's coming right up and here i am with no plane ticket booked. oh well... maybe we'll celebrate this one together. i think i've earned it.

enough about t. you all already know how great she is. let's talk about me some more. i am also great (aside from the sickness thing, but as we discussed, i'm winning that battle). good try god. you'll have to do better than that.

also, tomorrow is my last day of work. sort of. i've still been working for the same ad agency i used to work at back in moncton. ok... so "working" might not be the most appropriate word. i work from home. so in actuality, i've still been getting paid by the same ad agency i used to work at back in moncton. it's been a pretty good arrangement in my opinion. but it's time to cut the cord, as they say in the delivery room. it's time i started earning my keep. so i've bought a lottery ticket. what? at least i'm trying. jobs are a lot of work. and i'm old, so i deserve a break. i've been working hard for a long time.

now before you get all "t, you should leave him because he's a bum" on me, shut up for a second and listen to me for a change. i'm kidding. for christ's sake, quit being such a non-joke-getter. i'm looking for a job. i'm actually looking for several jobs. but just not quite ready to settle for something i'm too good for. i'm very smart, you know. and also very capable. so i'll leave all of those piddly little doer jobs for people who can't think. i can think. so i should do the thinking jobs.

ok. i'm sick of talking. i'm only writing this because t is tired of hearing me talk and would prefer to read what i have to say. it's like my six month anniversary gift to her.


kara said...

advertising is such a saucy wench of an industry. so difficult to difficult to stay. i like to i stay. in advertising, not with a saucy wench. i don't lean that way. i don't think.

d said...

yeah, eating's good. if only i could eat and not work... that's the dream.