Friday, February 02, 2007

taking bets

so our stuff is supposed to arrive tomorrow. saturday. that's what our driver told us last night. but i'm betting that it won't actually get delivered. something will inevitably happen to delay delivery. i'm willing to wager my soul. any takers? willing to bet their soul against mine?

something else...

i'm pretty sure k has a non-sexual crush on me. consider this comment on t's blog: "Seriously Therese, if I wasn't so besotted with you I'd be in love with the man."

now, i don't know what besotted means, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's almost in love with me. and who could blame him? actually, i think k's pretty neat too. he's good people. and don't try to convince me otherwise. at least not without photographic or video proof.

i wish i could say that this is the first time this has happened. a previous boyfriend of t's also had a crush on me. though i think his was a bit more... ummm... what's the word? homosexual. yes. that's the word. in fact, that's how t and i met. her gay ex-boyfriend had a secret crush on me and introduced us while they were dating (she didn't know at the time that he was a rocket man) - honest mistake. though i always suspected it.

so things may or may not be back to normal tomorrow. i hope they are. i have so much tv to watch. plus, i promised a post about superman and i need my home computer to post it.


kara said...

You do have a lot of tv to watch. Dr. Who is on Heroes and there's all sorts of confusion as to which country everything's in. The end.

d said...

k2 - i don't think we get that channel. basic cable only (for now).

and, it's too bad nobody took me up on my wager. you could have won yourself my soul to do with as you wish. our stuff finally arrived. it's almost like we're real people again. almost.