Thursday, February 15, 2007

things that make you go "hmmm..."

so last week, i was flying back to new brunswick for a $700 coffee with one of my clients. we have to make a stop in hamilton, ontario for some reason (i didn't approve, but they didn't seem to care. apparently it was on the schedule). as the people were boarding my plane (that's right, it's mine - i own it) one guy catches my attention. he's not exactly what i'd consider your typical flyer. he's got a tattoo covering half of his face and running down his neck. a leather jacket with studs and pointy dealies on it. shaved head on the side and long hair on the top dyed blue. you know the type... anti-establishment, fuck all-y'all, look at me because i'm different and won't be pressured into being a normal and productive member of society type... except for one thing. this tough-guy, don't give a shit about anyone, be afraid of me because you don't know what i'm capable of, making a big statement about individuality because aside from this i don't really have any - punk was carrying a frilly, brown pillow to rest his delicate head on during the 1.5 hour flight.


kara said...

Did he also suck his thumb during landing and take off?

jenn said...

Again with the people watching around planes! I'm telling you- all social anthropologists need to spend at least a month at an airport- you really do see some of the strangest things...

d said...

k2 - i don't know. i didn't really spend much time thinking about him or observing him after he sat down. but i'd say he probably did.

t - see? i told you it would make you go "hmmm"

j - i know. it seems like all i do. or at least all i write about... if you know what i mean. oh wait. don't take that the wrong way.