Tuesday, January 24, 2006

prepare yourself

so i voted. first time ever. did my vote matter? who knows. but let me repeat that i voted.

the reason i bring that up is that i was told that i wasn't allowed to complain unless i voted. now that i have, prepare yourself for a constant barrage of limitless, unrelenting, uncaring, don't give two fucks what you think about it, series of complaints. hey, it wasn't my rule... i'm just taking advantage of it.

so... where to start.

i'll tell you where. the elevator. not any particular elevator. elevators in general. what pisses me off is when i'm getting out of the elevator, people who want to get in don't wait until i'm out. what's your damn hurry? don't touch me when you're scampering into the elevator - i don't want your skanky germs and i don't enjoy your stupidity or inability to act appropriately in a society.

next - smokers who almost run into me as they are coming back in from outside and don't bother looking where they're going as they turn a corner in my building. quite frankly, i'd prefer it if you'd just stay outside. you bring your filthy habit and stench inside with you. your wrinkly and stained disgusting skin makes me want to run to the nearest public washroom to throw up.

it's late. i've been working for 13 hours. as much as i'd like to continue complaining, i'm tired and i'm going to bed. but don't worry. there's more to come.


Thérèse said...

Good. I know exactly how you feel.

Cause I did the same thing. Voted for the first time ever. And now I'm all annoyed cause of who won.

This is bullshit.

At least before, I could be all uninvolved and crap.

I'm gonna hear hear, to your complaints so far.

Krystle said...

Yes, but if you DIDN'T vote...it may have been a MAJORITY instead of an Minority...good job T!

d said...

thanks T.

and k... what about me? i voted too. why not "good job d?" i may have to complain about that in my next post... if i ever get to it.

i'll also be complaining about toronto - hopefully while my trip is fresh in my mind.

potential topics: CN Tower, Delta Chelsea, the sidewalks... i'm forgetting things already!! shit!

Thérèse said...

So post already! I've been totally waiting!!!!

d said...

i'm out of town again... working on complaints about halifax. yes, obviously i have access from here, but i'm only really comfortable posting from home. must be my chair that does it or something.

on the bright side, i think i'm going to have to start making a list. way too many complaints to recall accurately over the last week or so.