Friday, February 03, 2006

not a complaint... quite the opposite really

i'm eating chocolate covered almonds from the bulk barn. i bought a lot of 'em. they're delicious. it's the chocolate that makes 'em good.

anyway, just thought you'd like to know. i'd share, but... you know... i'm here and you're... um... not.


Thérèse said...

Well, I have a complaint!

I want chocolate now!

You hoser!

d said...

ouch. that hurts. well, it would have if i in fact had feelings. you don't see me going around calling you names.

i think that's why people like me. i always take the high road. i'm classy that way. and people like class. plus, i have freakishly long arms. that's also a good quality/feature/benefit to have.

Thérèse said...
