Wednesday, January 04, 2006

maybe some drugs would help

i haven't been sleeping lately. i don't know why. i'm exhausted and i go to bed early, but i can't fall asleep. so while i'm lying there, i start to think of things.

like, sometimes i think i'm pretty lucky not to be a siamese twin. what if the other head controlled the arms? then, if he was a jerk, he might not let me have any ice cream. or, what if he was the attractive one and always got the girls... i'd just have to tag along everywhere and while he was gettin' some, i'd always be the creepy on-looker. but then i think maybe it wouldn't be so bad. especially if he controlled one arm and i controlled the other. then i'd be able to eat my own ice cream. plus, as a kid, we could have gotten our homework done a lot sooner with two of us working on it. or do you think that we'd both have to do separate homework? what would happen if one of us failed a grade? would we get paid for two salaries if we got a job?

these are questions i just don't have answers to. i wonder if they're what's keeping me up.


Thérèse said...

Ok, so is it wrong that I actually laughed aloud at that?

Siamese twins indeed...

jenn said...

No, no Therese... I laughed too. Actually I believe I have tears in my eyes...