Tuesday, January 17, 2006


pretzels, chocolate milk, greek pita, mozarella cheese, frozen yogurt, juice, bread, onion, frozen thin crust pizza, seedless green grapes, more juice, pepperoni, chocolate chips, spring water.

these are things i bought at the grocery store tonight.

wood varnish, apple sauce, an instructional book on cascading style sheets, a trip to toronto, a slow moving dodge caravan, the new brunswick anti-tobacco coalition, swiss chocolate, underwear, a chocolate shower.

these are things i didn't buy at the grocery store tonight. but i did think about them at some point today.

what? it's been a while since i've posted. give me a break... like you could do better... jerks!


Thérèse said...

Hee hee hee.

Hey, that's a fun game.

d said...

actually, it wasn't that fun. but i felt i needed to post something.