Sunday, October 15, 2006

vacation. roadtrip. opportunity. photos. PART II

ok. so it's moving day now.... or it was that day. the day after the set of other pictures were taken. the day these pictures were taken. i would have taken pictures of us moving boxes and stuff, but we were busy. moving boxes and stuff. so once again, you get the pictures i took from the passenger seat while my baby drove the big rig. (i think we both have alternative careers to consider).

so here's the first picture of the day. it seems as though the word was out that t was leaving town so a number of the locals lined up to say goodbye. (as i shouted "good riddance, jerks!")

this picture is just for me and t.

we decided there was no time for lunch, but we needed something to munch on for the trip. so we stop at a store called "the blue canoe." i'm not sure how they got that name. but hey! here's t making friends with the locals.

ok. the beaver's getting a little too friendly. back off, bitey! (that's what i called him. he likes it when you call him that.)

ok. almost all set. ready to hit the road.

we've picked up a healthy snack.

see this? she's a pro! she's digging for some ringolos and still keeping her eyes on the road.

umm... isn't there a very similar picture of you doing this on your blog baby? tres sexy.

i have no idea what the importance of this picture was.

she has such beautiful hands, doesn't she? if i had a nickle for every one of these i got... oh boy... i'd have a lot of nickles.

another fork in the road. last time we didn't go to moncton like i wanted. maybe this time?
nope. see, it's not about what i want. it's all about t. and i'm good with that. but notice everyone else was heading to moncton. i'm not saying that makes me right. but it certainly doesn't hurt my argument. it does remind me of this one time i was right though. asterisk.

ok. more canadian military presence. are they looking out for us, OR are they following us? spooky!

oh my god i'm funny. hahahahahahahahaha... see, here's proof.

here are some trees. (what? it wouldn't be a canadian roadtrip without pictures of trees.)

just for good measure, here are some more. this is actually a horse farm. you can't see the horses. but they're there. it's true. really.

what's this? reversing falls? water falls that actually reverse? WOW! we gotta go there. it's only two km away. can we please, baby? please!

ooohhh, too bad for this guy. turns out he had a truck full of crack. it's not what you're thinking though. he had a sculpture of oprah winfrey's ass from 1985. pervert. (sorry, bad joke)

oh yeah... reversing falls. take a left, baby. this is gonna be great! actually, bleury street also sounds fascinating.

so once again, it's not about me. she didn't want to stop at reversing falls. but she did take me down the street that was named after me. that's right... she loves me.

almost there. why did i take this picture? i guess we'll never know.

ok. there's a good story behind this one. the building in the background is the air canada customer contact centre. i wanted to take a picture that more clearly illustrated this (with the big sign over the entry). but i think this photo is actually more accurate. the street sign, covering up the logo is more relevant to my experiences with air canada.

ok. last picture for this post. can you believe it? someone was driving our van! and they wouldn't give it back. sons-a-bitches. but seriously folks. why would you pay to have that put on your license plate? who else's van would it be? idiots.

so that's it. i have more pictures of t giving me the finger. but those are special to me so i don't think i'll share them. there are some pictures of her and me playing miniature golf... she cheated. maybe i'll post them. or maybe not. i'm not quite sure yet.


kara said...

you're so demanding with your demands and stuff. if canadian keyboards are anything like these french/moroccan keyboards then i don't know how you get anything done. my blog is all sorts of updated...i return to the states this weekend. god forbid YOU ever NOT post something for a week...petulant child.

d said...

k2 - i don't get much done... but it's not because of the keyboard. my keyboard is as american as jerry springer.

see, the difference between you not posting for a week and me not posting for a week is that people care when you don't post. it's a subtle difference, but it's there.

kara said...

pish posh