Tuesday, March 07, 2006

we got the beat, we got the beat, we got the beat... YEAH!


i feel compelled to write something despite not having much to say. i feel i'm more adept at commenting on other people's blogs versus sustaining my own.

i'm moving to a new apartment. but don't worry about buying me a housewarming gift because it's highly unlikely i'll ever invite you over. besides, none of you ever come to moncton anyway, you slack-ass bitches.

i'm supposed to be getting my annual performance review this week... and boy do i have a lot to talk to my boss about. the giant novelty pay cheques, the business cards... i guess that's it. that's not so much. oh yeah, money... i've got a lot to say about that. i have some pretty big demands there. i hope he brings his giant novelty cheque book with him, cause he's gonna need it, if you know what i mean.

isn't it funny how that phrase "if you know what i mean" can turn an ordinary phrase into something perverted? try it... seriously. "hey d! what are you doing tonight?" "oh, just doing some laundry, if you know what i mean."

"what are you going to do after that?" "well, i'm gonna marinate a steak... if you know what i mean."

ok... so maybe that's not a good example. laundry and steak are already pretty erotic topics so i wouldnt' even need to add that phrase. but try it out... in fact, i think i'm going to do that through my whole performance review. every sentence will end with "if you know what i mean."

wish me luck, you bunch of slack ass bitches.


The Dog of Freetown said...

Good luck, if you know what I mean.

d said...

thanks... if you know what i mean.

Thérèse said...

Ew! That's just gross! If you know what I mean.

d said...

ummm... what do you mean?