Thursday, February 12, 2009

gym diary

day 3: the two fat women are back and they brought their boyfriends. definitely not even close to being the fattest one in the gym today. the polio seems to be taking over. legs aren't working well at all. the changing room makes me uncomfortable. there's something about being surrounded by naked sweaty men that makes me uneasy. i don't like it. it's not natural.


Anonymous said...

I hear that in cases like yours you should take two ibuprofen starting right now, then every four or six? hours according to the instructions. It's supposed to help the soreness go away and not come back even after your workout. But ibuprofen needs to be in your system a full 24 hours I believe? before it even starts working the way it's supposed to. At least that's what my physical therapist said. He could have been wrong though. Doesn't hurt to try though, right?

d said...

tw - i guess. hey! maybe i'll just crush up a bunch of those ibuprofen things in a batch of cookie dough. then when i eat the cookies, i'll get my drugs and make my legs feel better.

tw, you're brilliant!

Anonymous said...

oh MY! That's gonna be a LOT of cookies. LOL hence, sorta undoing all the work you'd be doing at the gym, no?