Tuesday, October 28, 2008

my contribution

i just thought of something else. and you know what that means - you get a second post absolutely free today.

i'm a really nice guy. not many people know this about me because of my indifference about most things and the fact that there's an impression that i'm dead inside. but really, i'm a nice guy. here's proof.

i'm doing my best to save the US... no, global economy. if my plan works, then oh boy. you guys will all owe me big time. and by "you guys" clearly i mean the people i pretend are still reading my blog after abandoning them for months. but still... if i save the global economy, that should more than make up for me skipping out on a few dozen posts.

also, i noticed that k posted something about the economy as well recently. i'm not sure what that's all about, but i can say that my plan is already underway. perhaps if we work together, we can turn this thing around even faster and you will owe us both.

i prefer payment in cash. with a side of cookies. chocolate chip, if you don't mind.


jenn said...

Welcome back, Doug! The new template looks awesome.

Now what's this plan? If I'm going to pony up a life-time supply of chocolate chip cookies, I need to know what I'm buying in to.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Oh.. we might have the same plan! Is yours to help the stock market by drinking massive amounts of alcohol and smoking the hell out of cigarettes so that stocks skyrocket thus giving the market just enough hope to buy and sell other types of shares?

d said...

wuddup j? - thanks. and thanks. now, about the plan... well, it's a secret plan. i don't want to just go around telling people about it because then some other jerk (like george bush, or oscar the grouch) might steal it, pass it off as their own, save the global economy and they'd get the cookies and cash. that's not a risk i'm willing to take. so, when the economy recovers, just remember who had a plan and reward that person accordingly. perhaps the next time you call to talk to t, i'll tell you. because i trust you. just not the internet.

twinkie - i think i'm going to refer to you as tw. is that ok? if you'd prefer something else, i would consider it. just keep it under two characters, please. and i prefer letters. numbers complicate things. which is why k2 should feel so lucky. anyway, you're right. we might have the same plan. then again, we might not. see above response to j. i'm not going to try to persuade you to stop drinking massive amounts of alcohol or smoking the hell out of cigarettes. but don't take that as a sign that we have the same plan. even though we might.

Anonymous said...

;) ok got it!!

jenn said...

Sounds good. Will do. I'll start baking as soon as the TSX stabilizes for more than a day ;)