Tuesday, March 31, 2009

my work is finally paying off!

financial post headline:
Air Canada CEO Montie Brewer resigns

'nuff said.

- except for what a stupid name - unless you're a snake plant or a pet of some sort.


The Girlfriend said...

Monty is a pretty clever plant name, actually.

Twinkie said...

whooo hoooo... and it's all because of your money waster counter thing on your bloggy! I'm sure of it! hehehe

kara said...

he did that so he could come after you off the grid. purchase a dog with teeth. and that doesn't sleep.

d said...

t - yes, you're very clever.

tw - thank you for indulging me. i mean... exactly!

k2 - i don't need a dog. i'm pretty sure i can take anyone with a pansy-ass name like "monty"