Monday, October 31, 2005

desperate house boy

i'm not going to comment on the fact that it's been a while since i've posted something. i believe i covered that in my very first posting.

have you ever noticed how confusing a locked door in public can be to the person trying to open it? i was recently hosting a focus group for work and the inside doors in our building lock at 5pm, so i had to wait downstairs to let people in who were participating in the group. now, our office also shares space, on the main floor with TD Canada Trust and inside the main doors are two other sets of doors aside from the ones that lead to where i was - 1) to the inside of the bank, and 2) to the ATM machine which also had its own set of doors from the outside.

the ATM's inside doors also lock at 5pm which means that the only way you can get to the machine is through the exterior doors. and this, my friends, is how i realized the problem of the locked door.

people would enter the main door and then try to enter the locked doors leading to the ATM, not knowing they were locked. so they'd reach out, and pull. that not working, they'd try the other door. it too was locked. so they'd take a step back with a very puzzled look on their face and then they'd try each door again. still not opening, they then tried to puch the door open... you could see the frustration building up on their faces... that's usually the time they'd notice the exterior door and would leave. i sat there for a good 15-20 minutes and i counted at least five people who all went through the same routine. it was absolutely hilarious... and i highly recommend you finding a similar location and watch people.

and now this...

i wish my name was Todd, because then i could say, "Yes. My name is Todd. Todd Blankenship." Oh, also I wish my last name was Blankenship.

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