well... you'd be right. i totally suck.
but i have many perfectly acceptable excuses:
1. i've been traveling. a lot! was back in russia three weeks ago, then had to go back home for a week for a wedding (i was best man... no, really. several married women confirmed it. well, not in that way - but they wish!).
2. i can't access blogger from work. this new job is crap. i can't go on any of my favourite work avoiding web sites.
3. my girlfriend abuses me. this morning, she elbowed me in the eye. this is just one of many examples. it has become a regular thing between us. she hits me. i... well... do nothing because if i complain she hits me harder.
4. i rarely eat breakfast. and as a result, have no energy to blog.
5. eh - who cares. i'm not adding anything else to this list.
so anyway... as promised, here's another postcard for k2 from my last trip. this one doesn't have anything written on the back. yeah... i'm getting really lazy.
my last trip to russia was to a city called kazan. this is a postcard of the kazan kremlin.